Equigait ® gait analysis system

Using our XSENS Dot system and EquiGait software, we can offer gait analysis, lameness evaluation and objective dynamic motion examination. With these high-accuracy wearable inertial motion tracker sensors, your horse's movement can be assessed. We can measure head and pelvic movement asymmetry, making it possible to quantify movement deficits (reduction in weight bearing or push-off between the front/hind limbs) as well as 6 dimensional range of movement assessment of the thoraco-lumbo-sacral area. This can be very useful for horses with a suspected back problem or for subtle hind limb, or multi-limb, lameness cases.

How it works

Your horse will be fitted with the sensors at specific locations on their body. Walk and trot in-hand is performed, and/or lunging, which is also recorded on video for clinical review. The sensor data captured is then wirelessly sent to the EQDot software, where it is analysed and a report produced (this can be done on site or afterwards)

The report is then interpreted by Dr Espinar, providing his expert conclusion as a useful adjunct to treatment, management or rehabilitation plans. 

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How it helps

Lameness is one of the most common reasons for a veterinary visit. There are many other cases where gait analysis can be useful – evaluating improvements during a rehabilitation plan, assessing individual digital gait asymmetry print, pre and post-shoeing movement evaluations, determining dominant issues in multi-limb lameness investigations, or following up from previous issues. Pre-season checks to detect movement asymmetries can help reduce the risk of injury or loss of performance. 

Using a team approach, Dr Espinar can also discuss with your farrier, trimmer, physiotherapist or trainer to formulate the best way forward for keeping your horse sound and happy!

The International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology (ISELP)
British Equine Veterinary Association


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