Why flies can harm the eyes!

Warmer weather unfortunately can mean more pesky flies, and they can often irritate horses’ eyes. You may notice that your horse has swollen eyes or discharge (from one or both eyes). Likewise, the conjunctiva (the membranes or pink tissues surrounding the eye) may be red. Also, the white of the horse’s eye (sclera) may have more small blood vessels showing.

What can I do to help my horse’s eyes?

Using fly masks can prevent flies from irritating the eyes by stopping them from landing. There are many types available (some with ear covers to prevent flies biting the inside of the ears too.) Fly repellant may also be a good idea but take care not to get in the eyes. Further irritation could occur! Remember that if there are showers, it may not remain on the skin long enough to be effective. In some cases we may use antibiotics or steroids (or a combination of the two) to combat symptoms. Steroids can often be used to reduce inflammation and antibiotics deal with any bacterial infection.

It is also important to have the right treatment; human over-the-counter eye drops may not be suitable for treating infections. Also, if you are competing, eye drops containing steroids may not be appropriate!

What else should I look out for?

If your horse is scratching itself, then it could have another condition such as sweet itch. This may need investigating so that an appropriate management plan can be put in place. Flies may also be responsible for transmitting BPV which can cause sarcoids! Corneal ulcers can also develop if the horse rubs or scratches the eyes on either its legs or another surface. Again, this is where prompt veterinary attention is required to assess and treat the problem, thereby reducing the risk of any further issues.

Flies can irritate horses' eyes. A horse's eye with flies near it.

How to cool down after exercise

After working out in the sunshine, what’s the best way to cool a horse down after exercise?

What happens to the heat?

The 4 main ways that heat dissipates are:

  • radiation (heat between 2 objects that aren’t touching),
  • conduction (heat transfer between two objects that are touching)
  • convection (cold air moving across the skin, which forces heat away from the body)
  • evaporation (liquid i.e. sweat that vaporises, thereby dispersing the heat energy).

Sweating is not an effective method of cooling down in humid conditions, however.

What’s the best way to cool down?

Research has shown that the most effective way to cool a horse down is by spraying with cool water, then scraping that water off, before spraying again.

What about cold water and colic?

Despite rumours about hot horses drinking and getting colic, research also shows that horses can be offered cool (not ice-cold) water, as rehydration is most important.

Genetic testing… Can we predict winners?

Can genetic testing predict equine winners?

New research strongly suggests a correlation between genetics and good performance in eventing and dressage too. Can you imagine testing for what is the best racing distance for your horse? Or testing for a performance index?

Well, its all happening now and Genetic testing is here to stay! There are an increasing number of tests that can give us a fair answer from diseases to (more recently) performance.

As good as it sounds, could you imagine the earthquake that this could cause in the industry if we just rely on these tests? Where the art of breeding and racing would be unveiled in a blood sample?

What issues are there with genetic testing?

Most prestigious international breeders & associations of racing horses have seen several problems with these testings. They include issues such as the total validity, lack of agreement, the room for fraud, and also need for consent. Ultimately they only give you a strong probability. In other terms, they give you a predisposition but not predetermination!

The use of these tests by associations could actually damage the industry badly. Therefore they don’t get involved including or promoting genetic testing. As such, it would then be up to owners to decide what they want to test.

The breeders however have seen a benefit and they plan to gradually introduce these tests for disease and illness. For example, crippling industry diseases such as laryngeal haemaplegia.

What tests are on offer?

There are several laboratories that are offering tests. However, there is not overall agreement/validation of these increasing amounts of tests.

Some will offer disease screening: prediction of hoof problems in Connemaras, hyperkalemic paralysis in quarter horses, etc…

If you want to have a look at the menu, you could have a peek in these websites:




These tests to date haven’t yet proven a total prediction of performance ability.

If you decide to request one, we are happy to help you. But just remember that these tests are statistics, and horses don’t do statistics, but they are smart enough to prove anyone a fool!